Welcome New Friend!

We're excited you found us and appreciate your interest! We've collected some links here that will help you on your journey to getting the most out of Standby Skipper.  We're not able to provide individual planning support, so these resources are great whether you've already purchased or you're trying to learn more before making a decision.

We're not a giant company, just two parents who wanted to spend less time on the phone while enjoying their most favorite place on earth.  We want to help other families do the same.  That's the whole pitch!


Our FAQ covers a lot of ground, and we update it regularly when we see a question come through multiple times.  It's our goal to be as transparent as possible so you can be confident that StandbySkipper is the right tool for your situation and your family.  It's likely your question is already answered here, so please check it first.


Because every family is different, you may have questions about strategy (which selections to make) or you're curious if other users have experience with your unique situation.  Our Facebook Group is a great place to post your questions and get feedback from real families that have used the app in Orlando.  Check out the pinned posts and use the search function to explore previous discussions.